Uncheck to have Opera never ask you what to do when you download something.
Check to have Opera always ask you what to do when you download something.
Uncheck to have your downloads end up in the location defined above, regardless of the settings in the "Internet" control panel (aka "InternetConfig").
Check to have your downloads end up in the location defined in the "Internet" control panel (aka "InternetConfig":).
Click to select where you want your downloads to end up.
The path to the location where your downloads end up.
The creator code of the application that will be used to handle all downloads. (You can type the creator code directly, or click the icon to the right to select the application.)
Click to select which application will be used to handle all downloads.
The name of the external application that handles all downloads.
Uncheck to have Opera handle all downloads.
Check to use an external application to handle all downloads.
The name of the application that will be used to display a webpage's sourcecode.
Click to select which application will be used to view a webpage's sourcecode.
The creator code of the application that will be used to view a webpage's sourcecode. (You can type the creator code directly, or click the icon to the right to select the application.)
Uncheck to view a webpage's sourcecode in Opera.
Check to use an external application to view a webpage's sourcecode.